The first creation of blogging with my furry friends. We want you to know how much GOD loves you and how very special you are to HIM! We look foward to many days of blogging with you.
Andrea and "The Perdue Zoo"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snow Days

Mom, Dad, and I were blessed with snow after months of prayers! It came on Sunday afternoon and is almost gone, today! As you can see, I really enjoyed playing in the snow. Mom could hardly get me to come inside, Sunday night. She said, "we have to can play more tomorrow!" I was pretty tired, but I am sure I could have romped around howling all night long. Surely, the neighbors would have understood my delight. It's not like we get snow everyday in Richmond, Virginia.

Woofs and Wags,



Denise said...

I love snow so much, wish I were there to play in the snow with you.

Shane Kent Louis said...

My pet loves that season, she likes to roam around the yard playing with snowflakes. :D

Dog Fence for Any size yard.