The first creation of blogging with my furry friends. We want you to know how much GOD loves you and how very special you are to HIM! We look foward to many days of blogging with you.
Andrea and "The Perdue Zoo"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sitka Has A Boo Boo

On Sunday, Mom found a boo boo on my hip. It is called a hot spot. Mom knew what to do. She sent my human brother, Wil for the clippers. She shaved and cleaned the spot. She then applied neosporin and desitan ointment to the broken skin. The neosporin has antibiotics in it and the desitan keeps the skin cool and makes my boo boo feel better. I really like to chew on these spots, but Mom and Dad are quick to tell me, "NO BITE" and I stop.

It seems these days are a bit challenging. I have been raised in a loving home and given strict training. I have received quality medical care and the very best of everything, yet my doggie health has been a challenge for my parents.

I miss therapy in the hospital when I am unable to go, but I am thankful I have two furry brothers who fill in the gap. Nanuq will be going to Our Lady Of Hope (Nursing Care Facility) on Friday morning to visit the residents. My parents and I have a passion for hurting people. My youngest human brother, Wil also has a heart for dog therapy. He often helps Mom and Dad with us.

Woofs and Wags,



Leslie said...

Otto has a boo boo too! He has had 2 spots on his muzzle since last week that looked like scratches. From what we don't know. However, he keeps scratching them, so they're getting worse! On Sunday, a third one showed up that is bigger than the other two. I've been putting peroxide on them, which Otto doesn't like. He happens to have a check up scheduled for Thursday, so we'll have his vet check out these spots. We keep telling Otto that he's going to end up with one of those cones around his neck so he can't scratch his boo boos!

Feel better Sitka!

Edie said...

I'm so sorry about your boo boo Sitka. It's a good thing that God gave you such wonderful parents who take good care of you.

I have prayed for quick healing for you so you can get back to helping others. I would love to have a dog like you. But my Tobi is a good dog too. :)

Warren Baldwin said...

Hi. I meant to click to your other site but ended up here. I have been surprised at how many websites there are dedicated to pets. We have two talks that would make a good website - I have pics and videos of them "arguing" and fighting among themselves like kids.

RCUBEs said...

Hope you're okay Sitka. Thank God you have wonderful parents who always look after your medical needs and they're so quick to spot the trouble. God bless you all.

Cynthia said...

Oh this was a sweet post. I have been trying to comment on your Arise to Write blog for a week now but I cannot get on...the computer keeps aborting the attempt...just wanted you to know I am trying to peek in on you!

Heart2Heart said...

We are lifting your sweet soul up on prayers! Hoping you will back to your old self soon.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

momstheword said...

Oh, poor little guy. Yeah, chewing on it would make it worse!

We had to buy a chew collar for my friend's dog. She was on vacation and we were dog sitting and we had to take the dog to the vet, as he kept chewing on his foot.

The dog collar was pretty funny looking but he kept walking over to walls trying to knock the thing off his head.

Attic Clutter said...

Sitka..Oh sorry sweet doggy .. I know it is hard not to chew on your sore (:)
Andrea..thanks for coming over and I find the vintage pics all over the much fun to
'go a looking'..
hugs, Patty

The French Bear said...

Oh Dear it is so hard when puppies have boo boos!!!!
I don't have any pets but I love my grand pets!!! Those I have lots of!! My little granddaughter lost her golden retriever last year and I made her a scrapbook so she could keep him in her heart while he played in Heaven!!! Thanks for stopping by, I loved to have visitors and I do treasure everyone!!!!!
Margaret B

momstheword said...

Yeah, it is hard to coordinate them. Mostly we settle for good picture of us as the dogs don't care.