The first creation of blogging with my furry friends. We want you to know how much GOD loves you and how very special you are to HIM! We look foward to many days of blogging with you.
Andrea and "The Perdue Zoo"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sitka's Ouie...OUCH!

This morning, Dad and I began with our normal routine. We always take Nanuq, Trouble, and Macy outside before breakfast. While outdoors, I ventured into the woods for a little while and then back to the yard with my furry brothers and sister. As I ran past Dad to play with Trouble I yelled "loudly" in pain.

Dad immediately came to comfort and check on me. It seems I may have pulled a muscle in my "good" leg. A few years ago I injured my left rear leg and received two different surgeries to repair the problem. Mom, Dad, and I are praying my injury is not as bad this time since I didn't fall or slide.

My parents have spent the day making me stay calm and quiet, giving me pain medicine, and trying to help me feel better. Despite their efforts, I am still suffering discomfort and I am a little cranky about it.

Please pray for me! I have a "big" job to do; GOD is not done with my furry self yet. Until my paws dance across the keyboard again...

Woofs and Wags,


1 comment:

Edie said...

Aw, praying for your paw Sitka. Poor little puppy.