The first creation of blogging with my furry friends. We want you to know how much GOD loves you and how very special you are to HIM! We look foward to many days of blogging with you.
Andrea and "The Perdue Zoo"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Alive, but NOT Kicking Yet!

I'm taking baby steps. I'm thankful to be alive even though I'm not kicking quite yet. As you can see, Mom and Dad have set up a comfy spot for me. I don't even have to get up to drink water. I whine when I want to go potty. Mom and Dad use my harness to help me get up. They walk with me outside to "do my business," as Mom calls it and then help me back inside to one of my dog beds.

Last night, mom cooked fresh chicken breasts for me. I ate a whole one and another this morning for breakfast. I continue to sleep a lot. Mom says my breathing is not as labored whatever that means. The strangest things seem to make my Mom and Dad happy.

Thanks for your continued prayers for both Dad and I. Dad began his treatment for Anaplasma last night. Thankfully, Dad is not as sick as I am. Apparently, a family of those nasty ticks attacked our family.

Trying to woof and wag,


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sitka Update and Prayer Request

The last week has been a difficult one in my furry world. As most of you know, last Thursday I was admitted to VRCC and placed in Critical Care. After a lot of tests it was determined I have a disease called Anaplasma. It is caused by a nasty little tick. I'd really like to call this monster tick worse names, but Mom want let me.

After two blood transfusions, IV fluids, and lots of medicine, I was allowed to come home on Monday. Dr. Clare gave Mom and Dad very specific instructions for my care and told them it would be a long recovery. She also gave them a stack of prescriptions.

On the way home Mom dropped Dad at Costco to get my medicine. While waiting, she drove me around with the air conditioner on full blast. I haven't been eating much and Mom is trying to make me eat. She is pretty tricky sometimes. Mom stopped at Chick-fil-A and bought chicken sandwiches. She always shares hers with me, but this time she got an extra one. I sniffed and licked the bite of chicken, but I really didn't feel like eating it, so I refused. Mom bent over and ate the bite I licked. I couldn't believe it. I've been really sick and now Mom is eating my special treat. I couldn't let her eat the rest of my sandwich. As mom tore the chicken into small bites and acted as if she were going to eat them, I took them and slowly each bite made its way to my tummy. It's probably the slowest meal I've ever eaten, but I ate it. Mom was very happy. That's when I realized she had tricked me. Most doggie parents will not eat our food if we lick it, but my humans are not normal. I'm thankful they love me enough to do anything within their power to help me.

I'm home and settled in. I am not moving very much. It's too much effort. Mom and Dad have placed dog beds all around, set up a box fan to blow on me, and turned the A/C down to keep me cool. They also put a big mattress in the middle of our family room floor so they could lay beside me. They took turns being awake during the night. Did I mention my parents are not normal? Mom has always said, "normal is over-rated" and now I get it. I sure am glad God gave me "not normal" parents.

Thank you to each one of you, canine and human for praying for me. Mom, Dad, and I can feel those prayers. Please continue to pray for me. I will try to gather the energy to keep you updated.

PRAISE: Today's hematocrit is 40!

Trying to woof and wag,


Saturday, August 24, 2013

SICK, Tired, and CRANKY!

On Monday, Mom and Dad took me on a furry adventure. We love the mountains and as you can see in the picture above we had a great time. On Tuesday, I became tired. On Wednesday, I wasn't quite myself. By Thursday morning I stopped eating, refused to talk, and wouldn't move around. Mom had to "drag" my 125 pound butt to the car. I tried to tell her the same thing she tells Dad when she is very sick, "I"m too sick to go to the doctor/hospital," but she refused to listen to me. She was determined to take me despite my protest.

Upon arrival at my favorite doggie doctors office, Town and Country (Chesterfield, Va.) it was obvious I was extremely ill. I normally stroll through the door announcing my arrival in my native language (Malamute) and some of the staff answer appropriately. One of their staff members, Ms. Nancy actually speaks Malamute quite well. I felt too bad to talk.

Mom said, "I've never seen him so apathetic" and the doctors and staff agreed.

I'm not sure, but I think apathetic means I don't care. If so, they were right. I feel too bad to care or too talk. I tried to tell mom I was too sick to go to the doctor.

Dr. Loehr examined me and quickly determined I needed to go to a special doggie hospital about 45 minutes away and I needed to go there immediately. I was loaded back into Mom's car and the staff at VRCC was waiting when we arrived. They took me straight back and would NOT let Mom go with me. For the first time ever, I was too sick to care if Mom went or not. I just wanted to lay down and be left alone.

Dr. Clare began a series of tests to try and figure out what is going on with me. Quickly, she found my liver and spleen were enlarged. Dr. Loehr  had sent extra blood he drew and let them know my hematocrit was 18 (very low).

Dr. Clare began my first blood transfusion and IV fluids. Since, I've had another blood transfusion and finally after two days in Critical Care I ate about 1/4 can of wet food off of Dr. Clare's hand. I am NOT a happy camper. I do not like being sick and I do not like being in critical care away from my humans.

On Friday morning, Dr. Clare said I had a disease called, "Anaplasma." It's a tick-born disease and rare in our area. I said, "that's not possible. My parents always use preventative medicine to keep the ticks and fleas off my body." Dr. Clare said, "those little parasites have found ways to get past the drugs."

So, some nasty, ugly little tick bit me and made me terribly sick. That's just wrong. Why would a little bug want to be so mean? I haven't done anything to him. Mom says, "life is not fair and it is often hard." I guess this is what she was talking about.

Yes, I am cranky. Did I mention I do NOT like this place. Don't get me wrong, Dr. Clare is really cute and sweet and there are some nice humans roaming around, but none of them are my Mama. They normally allow Mom's and Dad's to visit, but I have a history of very large malamute temper tantrums when I don't get my way and it's time for my Mom to leave. So, Dr. Clare and Mom have decided Mom can't see me for now.

I hate to admit it, but Mom and Dr. Clare are right. I would not be able to help myself. If Mom visits and leaves without me I would not be able to handle it. I would have what Mom calls, "a melt down!" I have a few psychological issues and I'm not afraid to admit it. Mom has tried desperately to convince me to trust God and keep my focus on him, but my vision gets cloudy when I can't stay close to Mom. I guess you could say, "she's my security blanket." I know, I know, only God is suppose to be "my security blanket," but it's really, really, really hard sometimes. I don't want to melt down, but sometimes it just happens.

If you are wondering how I am writing this article, just know I have my ways. Today, I'm not concerning myself with grammar or other picky stuff. I'm fighting for my life and trusting God to bring Mom and Dad to get me out of here and back home.

Thank you for all your prayers, love, and encouragement.

Trying to Woof and Wag,
